Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Salmon Reminisce

In college we use to buy frozen packaged salmon by the bulk from Costco. Along with a handy dandy Gorge Foreman Grill and a bottle of Lawry’s Seasoned Salt, we were never afraid of hunger or a poor meal. This is how my roommates and I got through our last few years at UCLA. Anyone who came over was served Salmon, every mid afternoon conversation, every late night study session, regardless of time or whether you like fish or not, Salmon was to be had!!!

Needless to say, after a while, we were forced to find ways of making this fish interesting without spending the big bucks. We flirted with other types of fish a few times, but nothing was as easy or clean, or convenient as the Salmon from Costco. The result was this, Salmon with pasta and sesame oil.

This meal is a dedication to that special time with those special people who helped me every step of the way through my awkward cooking stage of my undergraduate degree. Every time I see Salmon, I am reminded of such sweet times. I truly miss you all.

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