Friday, June 26, 2009

Fish, Sauce, Home

On my move to Boston, I was sure to bring one item that any self respecting Vietnamese could not live without – fish sauce! I was afraid of not being able to find the right brand at the American supermarkets. I triple wrapped the glass bottle and put it in a box filled with Styrofoam and flew with peace of mind knowing that when I got to the new apartment, my fish sauce bottle would turn it into a home.


  1. Hey,

    I just noticed you left a comment on one of my posts a few days ago, and I just wanna say thanks for reading! I really appreciate it when people take the time to read what I put up and leave a thought or comment. :)

    And I am in LOVE with your photography! Actually, I love taking pictures of the food I cook and eat too! Just set the camera on macro-mode and shoot. :)

    Though I don't get such cool shots as yours, and my cooking is less elaborate - I'll definitely look here for dinner ideas though lol

  2. i love nước mắm! vietnamese food would not be the same without it.
