Saturday, June 13, 2009

Meal Déjà Vu

Have you ever been on a trip where you had a random dish at a random restaurant but years later the thing that you remember most about your expensive vacation is how deliciously special that first random bite was? This happens to me all the time.

I try to go to the market every other day here in Boston, buy small portions, fresh produce, and allow for the opportunity to change it up from night to night. The fish market here closes at 7pm and last night, I made it right on the dot. Tilapia was the only viable option and all the other choices were either sold out or put away. Although I came looking for salmon, walking home with the white flesh of tilapia reminded me of a very special getaway I had in Seattle. I tried to imitate a dish from Café Campagne in Pike’s Market – Tilapia with almonds and lemon zest. While my attempt could not compete with that of the cute restaurant, it brought back vivid memories of my experiences during that genuine time.

What is your favorite dish from a weekend getaway and what special memory does it remind you of?

This ice-cream is the best! Made only with 5 ingredients, no crazy chemicals!

A special memory from Seattle.

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